Front Lawn Landscaping

Project Group Name: Greening the T

Neighborhood: Greater Grand Crossing     Year: 2019

Project Description: This project group recruited their neighbors to enhance their block by laying new sod in the front yards of 7 homes.

In their Words






"Our team walked door to door, with clipboard in hand and hope in heart. The canvasing was a two day effort. We walked both sides of the block twice, seeking new ideas or agreement of identified projects. … [One group member] created and posted flyers letting neighbors know what to expect and when to expect materials. Incorporated in her flyers was the requirement of ‘sweat equity’ needed from each household. Her message was clear, each household must personally receive and lay their own sod. This let neighbors know, each must participate to benefit. The act of ‘doing’ was most engaging and transformative.”
Greening the T Project Group

By the Numbers

test upload





Group Members

Front Yards Resodded

Sq. Ft. of Sod Laid



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