Looking for more resources and ideas on how to take action in your community? Here’s a list built for you! 


The Power of your Block 

Take a look at what groups around Chicago are doing to harness the power of their communities.  

6 Steps to Organizing Block Club Meetings

Block Wisdom: Getting the Block Working

Re-Imagining Block Clubs 


Get Inspired

You'll never doubt your power again after watching these stories from regular citizens who decided they, too, could make a difference where they live. 

Build a Better Block: Jason Roberts

Take a Street and Build a Community: Shani Graham


Plan for Action

These sites offer guides and advice on how to organize and take action.

  • Everyday Democracy: Everyday Democracy is a non-political organization whose website, full of articles, guides and case studies for engaging and participating in your community, is an excellent resource for groups interested in a wide variety of topics. 

  • Building Strong Communities: This collection of resource guides and articles from the Center for the Study of Social Policy gives groups step-by-step advice on how to take action in their community from formation to planning to execution.

  • My Block, My Hood, My City: This Chicago nonprofit provides training and consultations for block clubs in the city. They also help block clubs replace old signs or create new signs that are positive and welcoming, as well as offering resources like t-shirts, a Facebook graphic, and volunteer help for one project each year.


Your Options

What you choose to focus on is up to you, but here are some options for how to get started on expressing yourself.




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